Generally, I like to figure stuff out on my own or by dissecting other crafts in an attempt to figure out what hidden property values are changed (if any) to thereby give specific characteristics or change the way a part behaves within the creation itself, however it's very tedious (and a lot of the time inconclusive) and although the hidden properties menu isn't fully supported, I was hoping that someone would eventually make a post about it, or even better, a series of posts that outline some of the more commonly tweaked hidden property values and their effects. If this already exists and I'm just oblivious to it, could someone please post a link to it? Or, if it doesn't yet exist, would anyone in this awesome community be interested in doing so?
Any chance we could get a crash course on the hidden properties menu?
10 months ago
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27.1k Zenithspeed
there's this which provides a simple explanation to everything but not everything is complete afaik
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@Zenithspeed LEGEND! Thanks! 😆