So first time player on PC (coming from kerbal though, so I kinda know what I'm doing, or so I thought). Trying to land on Luna, and I'm trying to do my final landing burn. Something's weird with my attitude control, however. I locked my velocity to retrograde, but when I fire my engine the rocket doesn't turn at all. I am out of power, so no gyros, but if I press wasd, my engine gimbals, so I would've thought it's fine?
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413 Toinkove
Correct! Time warping will auto point you to whatever orientation you set using the Nav spheres (maybe using WASD too but I’ve never tried that).
But you absolutely need power for engine gimble, command chips/discs and gyros to operate! At least in normal time speed. -
@Toinkove I doubt that it's a graphical glitch. I lost power way back on droo orbit (yes i forgot solar panels), and was still able to successfully execute my TLI maneuver and a midcourse correction, all pointing the right way.
Is it possible that if you timewarp Juno just puts your ship in the right orientation? it just kinda assumes you have some way of getting to the right attitude? Because when I timewarp it does actually point to retrograde but not while i'm under normal speed.
413 Toinkove
That's very odd because engines should NOT gimble without any power (this is a relatively recent change in the last year). So everything you are describing sounds normal except for the observation that the engine does gimbal when not firing, because it shouldn’t (maybe it’s a graphics bug though)
Be sure to unlock heading before using time warp or before jumping to planned flight nodes.
Heading lock will eat battery in a jiffy during time warp.