I have been struggling with the problem of unbalanced rotators for a long time. I can’t set them up so that the building doesn’t shake and fall off the ratator. Help



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    @Toinkove Perhaps I will definitely check your speculations)

    3 months ago
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    353 Toinkove

    Interesting I have had rotators wobble a bit after coming to a stop but never break off! In fact more often then not I’ve thought they seemed a bit too strong for what they can do!
    Makes me think you’re trying to rotate and unreasonable amount of mass on them and likely need to use more in tandem!

    +1 3 months ago
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    @CloakPin yes(

    3 months ago
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    @Toinkove Even when the rotators are immobilized, they do not hold the part at speed. And the part simply falls off. The problem is mainly related to the poor strength of the rotator connection and its non-static operation

    3 months ago
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    353 Toinkove

    The building shakes and falls off….
    Are you saying that when you began to move one it begins to rotate a craft increasingly faster and sometimes breaks the rotator off? Because that is an issue I’ve had occasionally and have never figured out why it occurred, although in one incidence the behavior ceased if I used a henge rotator w/out a base.

    +1 3 months ago
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    387 CloakPin

    Did you try mirroring the rotator to achieve a symmetrical and balanced spin?

    +1 3 months ago

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