A standard 100% docking port weighs a massive 500kg despite its small diameter of 2 metres. But by comparison, an interstage of the same size only weighs 28kg. This makes things like space station modules seem unreasonably dense, and it greatly discourages the use of docking ports. Is there any reason why this is the case?


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    398 Toinkove

    Well apart from them being too small (I tinker the ports up to 205% using part scale) I just can’t see a Drood fitting through the standard size! They are heavy and I’m not sure they shouldn’t be!
    Given that, most modular space stations are not connected together with “docking ports” like you’d find on a spacecraft! They connecting using simpler ports that weigh less but cant be docked/undocked as easily as a spacecraft would (and they don’t need to be).
    But honestly even when using those heavy docking ports to make a modular space station I still find my modules much less heavy then what they’d prolly be in reality. The game doesn’t really take into account all the mass of equipment a crew compartment actually needs, things like life support systems, sewage, water, etc.

    +1 8 months ago

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