So, I have now taken some pictures of the other major objects (that I have made progress on). Most of the objects (and especially pictures) are from the Zarnoja planet-moon system. So, let's get into this!


Zarnoja is a sub-jovian gas giant 277 times the mass of Earth, or 0.871 Jupiter masses. It is home to 57 moons, 6 of which are major. It is also home to fierce storms and lots of brown clouds. It also has a large ring system. I will elaborate on it more when I upload it. Also, if you are wondering what that black circle obscuring some of Zarnoja, it's the first moon I talk about here, just so you know.
Now, I did say that there were 6 major moons, so here's the 4 I worked on so far!


Ihaliji is a volcanic moon, akin to Io, but more bluish and more massive. It has a mass of 3.4 Moons and has a very low orbit, giving it it's volcanic activity. It also has aurora due to a magnetic field. There isn't really that much more simple information to talk about (for now). It is pretty much done.


Now Tampejnosa is a unique world. There really isn't anything like it. It's a super-deep ocean world with water boiling at the surface, and it has a thick, hazy atmosphere with lots of cloud cover. The closest thing to it are some theories about the conditions on Gliese 1214b, but in this case, it's much smaller. It also has a magnetic field, which causes beautiful aurora at its poles. That's it for Tampejnosa, so let's move on!


Kelarnu is the only one in this log that still needs extensive work. I do have non altitude based biomes present (no mountains yet) as well as no aurora (I use biomes to make aurora. I may make a tutorial soon, maybe even featuring Kelarnu!). Kelarnu, however, will have the most lore out of all of the worlds! This is mainly due to there being life on this moon. Also, just so you know, Kelarnu is heavily inspired from Pandora in Avatar. I don't want to make this too long, but in short, this place will be extremely beautiful an d interesting (it really makes me mad that we can't use parallax in planet studio easily, but it is what it is (please @Linx, add planet studio support to parallax! (but I won't be mad if you can't/won't.))) Let's move on now.


Jylosa is a very similar object to Callisto, but just more blue. It is however, much larger, being larger than Mars! It is also the furthest moon from Zarnoja that I have work on (there is another moon that I added, but it is currently just a blank template at it's correct orbit, radius, and surface gravity to the fictional data for it).
Now, let's leave Zarnoja and go to the inner most planet:


Tantris is the smallest planet in the system, even smaller than Tampejnosa, but that isn't saying much, as Tampejnosa is the same radius as Earth, and Tantris is not much smaller. Tantris is volcanically active, and is home to the highest peak in the Koypitan System: Vazarik Mons. Vazarik Mons is taller than Olympus mons on mars, and covers way more area. In fact, if you were to see all of it, it would take up most of your view of Tantris. It's that big.

Anyways, it was/is fun making this system, and I hope you are as excited as I am for it's release! I do have a relative release date in mind, with that being sometime in late july-august, given that I want this to be my best system yet by a massive margin. Anyways, have a nice day, or night (it's night for me)!



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