Hello JNO community!

This year has been incredible for me in Juno. I've learned a lot and significantly improved my gameplay. There's still much more to learn, but unfortunately, I need to move on with my life.

Next year, I'm starting college, and to do that, I need to do well on a test later this year. I've been studying, but now, in the final stretch, I need to put all my focus into studying, which means I won't have time to play.

Even though I haven't been the most active member, it's been really cool sharing my creations and interacting with the community. I'm going to miss that.

Contrary to what i may have led you to think, I'm not disappearing completely. I'll still pop in here and there, but I won't be able to put days or weeks into my projects. So, my posts will be much less frequent, maybe a few a year instead of a few each month (with occasional breaks) like before.

In the past weeks, I've been trying to finish as many projects as I could to upload them all, but I only managed to get two relatively ready. One's the Nebula rocket, which I've already uploaded, and the other is a ship.
This next post will be in a few days. It's something I've been working on for a while, but I won't be able to deliver the whole idea. It will also be my last post for an undetermined amount of time.

I guess I can't stall any longer, so...

Farewell, JNO community. And keep doing what you do best :)


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    Interesting, I am now in Australia but I didn't know that and, yes, I belong to those crazy-ass, gun-toting elitists, what's worse is this is likely to get liked by, apparently 1/2 of my country, by which I mean Republicans. Trump is so vindictive I fear the repercussions of his 2nd term. Its unfortunate, but I always said that calls the other side has to do when the is a woman presidental candidate is to have a white, English speaking, male. We find ourselves with all the above AND Trump is developing a Cult of Personality with the radical right, between the ignorant and the greedy you have his cronies pushing to the rural, often politixally nieve. Then the Christians have towed the party line and demonized the only other option that Americans have created in their two party system, the democrats. Was a political science major and ended up washing my hands of of trying to get Americans to vote, now I live in Oz and only allow myself news I read and that's not even close to daily. 0A

    2 months ago
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    @Samps0n thank you :)

    It's not SAT because I'm not american, although i apparently can do that anyway. Regardless, what I'm gonna do is basically my county's SAT version
    Edit: was doing some research and discovered SAT is kinda worldwide? I didn't know that XD the test I'm taking is national only tho

    2 months ago
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    Your making a hard, but very smart choice. I know you will do well with your additude. We aren't going anywhere, and good luck. SAT?

    +1 2 months ago


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