I'm out of ideas. Pick one of the options below and write what you want me to make in the comments.
1. Jastrus lander/orbiter that is made by Londerburst.
2. Urados ring diver that is made by Piano.
3. a satellite that studies Cylero from HCO that is made by Zyster's.
4. a satellite that studies Juno that is made by Londerburst.
5. start my new planetary system for the planetary pack early.
Upcoming will be a jet aircraft made by Zyster's that is like a hybrid of an A340 and A380, but just a ton bigger. After that is released, I don't know what to make next.
The craft with the most votes will win and be made. Deadline 8/15/2024.
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planetary pack star system has already started, just cross off the 5th thing.