So this is a guide for new players who might wanna go to moon, Mun, Luna what ever its called. This is from my experience from KSP so it might not work well you can test if you are beta user.

Step 1. Get a good rockets like the simple beast
Step 2. Launch the rocket and do the normal stuff to get into orbit.
Step 3. Once in orbit time warp till the moon is just above the horizon then boost off prograde and open the map and when you intersect the moon just lower the throttle so you can get a encounter.

Step 4. time warp to the point when you are just above the moon and at the center or that encounter and now go retrograde to get in orbit.
Step 5. Congrats you should be in orbit. Once in orbit to land just retrograde with your lander or whatever.
Step 6. So your falling on the moon once you get close to the surface boost prograde by a time bit to soften your landing.

Congrats your one the moon, go and chill in a rover or other stuff.

So now you wanna go home well okay.

Step 1. Launch and turn east and get into orbit.

Step 2. Here is a section from the wiki that will explain better than I note this is ksp wiki but it should apply here "To get back to Kerbin the easiest way (as suggested by Scott Manley) is to burn prograde at the point in your orbit where you're moving opposite to the direction the Mun is going in its orbit around Kerbin. If you are orbiting around the Mun in the same direction as the Mun is around Kerbin, then burn prograde when you are between Mun and Kerbin, otherwise you need to burn prograde on the far side of the Mun.
The effect of this maneuver is increasing your speed relative to the Mun but reduce your speed relative to Kerbin as you are burning in opposite direction to movement of the Mun around Kerbin. This helps to easily get a Kerbin orbit with a the lowest point of orbit (periapsis) close to Kerbin. Can be counter-intuitive if you need to burn on the Kerbin side, as your Mun apoapsis will initially head away from Kerbin, don't worry about this and keep burning until the Mun apoapsis exits its sphere of influence.
Burn until you have a Kerbin orbit trajectory in the map view with a Kerbin periapsis below 20 km. This height or lower will guarantee you will reenter the atmosphere in one orbit."
Step 3. So you falling back into the surface just deploy your parachutes when you couple hundred meters and you should be good.
I hope this helps but can a beta tester test this for simple rockets2


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    @nathanmagnus I was tired when prasheing I meant like with out using movement node things

    +2 6.3 years ago
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    3,462 tsampoy

    get a good rockets like the simple beast
    Sounds like a new good meme to me.

    6.3 years ago
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    12.0k nathanmagnus

    This guide said without opening your map, but in one of the steps it says "open your map." Otherwise great tutorial!

    +1 6.3 years ago


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