I'm building a massive craft and it involves using a fairly large auxillary tank for takeoff that can be ditched before reaching space. But the side interstages are too weak to support the amount of weight I need them to support, Ive tried multiples but still run into the same issue, they aren't strong enough. Is there any way to strengthen them or do I just need a unfathomable number of them to spread out the load? Any help is appreciated.
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1,153 UPGIndustries
@CloakPin @deepfriedfrenchtoast
Just posted the craft I've been trying to build an external and detachable tank for. The size is rather insane honestly.
https://www.simplerockets.com/c/XDwI59/i-was-going-to-name-this-The-Ark-Shuttle-but-im-no-longer-sure -
1,153 UPGIndustries
@CloakPin sorry, lol really what you said is the only way to do it effectively. I'm just tryna cut down on my crafts part count lol
1,153 UPGIndustries
@deepfriedfrenchtoast yeah, I usually just attach a multi tank setup on 3 or more attach points and make them all fuel lines in the advanced properties section. It allows you to set priority to any of the tanks that are intertwined in the attach point "web"
Honestly, using connections between tanks directly is the most reliable in terms of durability. I wish the size limits of parts were a bit larger or that we could skew the parts a bit more than what's currently possible. 2.4 is a small number. -
10.9k deepfriedfrenchtoast
@UPGIndustries theres one potentual alternative to using fuel cross feed, and that is to use a fuel adapter to connect fuel tanks with their drain priority set to drain a specific fuel tank first, and then detonate the fuel adapter to seperate the tanks. But most of the time the adapter will blow up the parts it is connected to even if you set its explosiveness to 0 using hidden properties. So its still very jank.
1,153 UPGIndustries
@deepfriedfrenchtoast yeah, unfortunately, size doesn't seem to affect strength, I've thought about creating a sub assembly with 50 or so interstages attached to a small thin strut on either side so I can reduce the number of attachment points that I have to deal with. Yeah the fuel flow sucks for the side interstages for sure. My only other option for my craft is to have the tanks as a permanent fixture on the craft but that's super heavy and at some point causes the landing gear to freak out and spin the wheels at over 2k rpm lol, gotta love it
10.9k deepfriedfrenchtoast
@UPGIndustries Same, maybe making the interstage bigger would make it stronger or something like that. It would also be great if there was an effective overide on fuel cross feed speed, since if you are making something even kinda big, then the cross feed speed of one interstage isnt fast enough to fill up the tank its draning to.
1,153 UPGIndustries
@deepfriedfrenchtoast it's all good, feels like there should be a strength property though, otherwise, how will we exploit it lol.
It's cool though, I'm building on a massive scale with my newest creation, massive enough for it to feel impossible to get off the ground. It's not impossible just very very hard lol. -
10.9k deepfriedfrenchtoast
@UPGIndustries oh dammit i read the question wrong, I dont think there is an option for that. Sorry man.
1,153 UPGIndustries
@deepfriedfrenchtoast oh ok, so that relates to strength as well as detach force?
10.9k deepfriedfrenchtoast
@UPGIndustries in the 'Detacher' section there is a value called 'force'
1,153 UPGIndustries
@deepfriedfrenchtoast what value am I looking for? Lol I'm not sure where to find the strength value.
Meaning which property do I edit? -
10.9k deepfriedfrenchtoast
you can overide the strength of the interstage in its hidden properties.
387 CloakPin
Bigger is stronger
More is better too
If the design doesnt allow for more then just use connection tool to make a surface connection then use translate part tool to overlap them in the exact same spot to look as one.
@CloakPin thanks. Been taking a while