Here, I will teach you how to make aurora for your planets.

We start of by adding an Aurora Biome

We then color this biome green and give it an approximate intensity of 1.5 (which you can increase, but note that it will make your planet's detail worse the higher it's intensity. Don't ask me why, I just don't know) , as well as giving the biome a 100% emissivity

Then, we add a Get Position to make sure the Aurora is in a straight, latitude-based line.
We do this by not change the rotation values. We do increase the Y output to 0

Then, we add a remap curve.

We then set the values and times in the curve to (going left to right) (0,-1), (0, -0.95), (1,-0.85), (0,-0.75), (0,0), (0,0.75), (1,0.85), (0,0.95), (0,1) (you can change them, but make sure the positive/non zero values are between -/+0.95 and -/+0.7, unless you want more polar or more temperate/lower latitude aurora)

We keep the input and output at 0

Then, we add noise. We set the Frequency to 5, the Strength to 1, the Octave to 11, and the Lacunarity to 2 (you can increase or decrease these values as you please. maybe not the strength though.).

Then, in the noise, we add two domain warpings:
Axial Twist and Scaled.

We set the Axial twist to 0, 15, 0, with an angle of 30, exponent of 1, and method a of Distance On Axis.

We set the Scaled to 1,7,1

We then set the Mask and Output to 0

Now, we add Basic Arithmetic. We set it as A+B, and set each everything to 0

Now, we have the final step. We add the Aurora.
We first put in Add Biome.
Then, we go to settings, and into controls. Then, we go into the dev console, and type "planet" and click PlanetStudio_ToggleTerrainGenerationAdvancedSettings and execute it.

Then, go to Add Biome, and put in Aurora as it's biome. Then, go under advanced settings, and type "CUBEMAP" (in all caps) into Enabled with Symbols. This allows it to not be attached to the surface.

Now, we should have our finished product! It should look something like this.

Anyways, I hope you found this helpful and have a nice rest of your day.


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  • Profile image
    3,631 Isosceles51

    Oh, btw, this was my first tutorial, but, more importantly, was suggested by @RocketManbuuuuuuu! Please go check them out, as they make some pretty good stuff for how new they are!

    Pinned 25 days ago
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    @Hyperant I will try again.

    8 days ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    Did you copy and paste it? Make sure there are no errors in the command. No spelling mistakes, capitalization errors, and the correct placement of words. @RocketManbuuuuuuu

    8 days ago
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    @Hyperant also yes he did he put down to go into the dev console and turn on planet studio advanced setting just up a little from the bottom. :)

    8 days ago
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    @Hyperant Yes I understand this but in mobile this command does not exist for some reason, its so dumb.

    8 days ago
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    10.1k Hyperant


    9 days ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    Go to the dev console and type in PlanetStudio_ToggleTerrainGenerationAdvancedSettings. What that does is allow things to be seen in space and disappear on the planet. In this case, clouds. The "thing" is, is that you need to type in CUBEMAP in EnabledWithSymbols.

    9 days ago
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    @Isosceles51 There is, no advance setting avaliable for mobile, why, for what purpose does this not exist, I am in greiveing

    9 days ago
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    @Isosceles51 thanks so much i just meant for you to link a premade one, but you made a whole tutorial, thanks so much

    24 days ago
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    3,631 Isosceles51

    @Ceya yes

    +2 25 days ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    Could use a little more polishing but it’s great 👍

    25 days ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    may it be added to the GPMTCP?

    25 days ago


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