I've recently been getting back into this game and have noticed that despite nearly every other main fuel type being present in the game, hypergolic fuels are still nowhere to be seen. Is this a conscious decision by the developers or a potential feature that got overlooked during the chaos of development? Idk, but it's annoying when I go to make a replica of a real-life rocket but can't use the correct fuel type/ratio. Any thoughts, answers, further questions on the subject? Let me know please
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398 Toinkove
Btw! I would be thrilled if they implemented all those factor into the game! Would make it much more realistic. But not if it’s just “hyperbolic propellant” with no real incentive to use it.
There’s already not much of an incentive to use the varying fuel types currently available. -
398 Toinkove
Engine restarts are unlimited! probability of engine restart isn’t modeled. So again, no point!
Sure if you dive into the advanced properties of the tinker panel you can limit the number of restarts, but it is totally optional (and most players will never even touch that option)
Now if they ever implement factors such as: does the engine have an ignitor, how many restarts can the gas supply accommodate (for gas generator and staged engine), engine failure probabilities and cryogenic boil off rate, then maybe they’ll add in more fuel options. But until then, adding in hyperbolic would simply be a cosmetic add. -
1,191 YaMomzBox420
@Toinkove but there is a point already established in the game, just not fully panned out as it should be.
IRL hypergolic engines are the ONLY kind guaranteed to restart as long as there's nothing broken and fuel remaining. Keralox, hydrolox, and methalox engines can only be started a handful of times at best without extensive maintanence and require an ignition source, typically hypergolic in nature.
In game, there is a check for all engine types to determine if the engine is restartable. Currently it's a binary system, solid engines can't restart, liquid engines can. But it could be made into a scale of 0-1 with differing values for different engine types. Values closet to 1 would have a better chance of relight, values closer to 0 would have a better chance of failing. Solid propellant and hypergolics would occupy the extreme ends of the spectrum with all other engine types somewhere between.
The system is already in place, it just needs to be adjusted slightly to get the desired effect
1,191 YaMomzBox420
@deepfriedfrenchtoast that would help on PC, but not on mobile which is what I'm stuck with for now unfortunately
398 Toinkove
Prolly when there’s a point to them
The main purpose for them is that they don’t suffer from the issue of boil off like cryogenic fuels do. But since boil off isn’t modeled in the game ……. -
10.9k deepfriedfrenchtoast
there are 2 mods that add hyperholic fuel, Hypergolics and Realistic Engine Overhaul / Stock Engine Overhaul
bro undeaded himself :skull: