(BTW Star Trek day was yesterday (08.09.2024)).

Star Trek Day is the anniversary of Star Trek, ever since Gene Roddenberry created it on September 8th, 1966, which means Star Trek is 58 years old! I am a big fan and I cannot wait until it turns 60! Unfortunately, I do not have anything special to show, no ships, anything. I was thinking about creating planets from the Star Trek Universe, but I figured that would take too much since I need to look at the topographical maps of said planets to get an idea of the terrain. I planned to create Vulcan, Quo'nos, Andoria, and Kwejian was my main focus, due to there being a lot of info available (i.e. atmosphere stats, gravity, diameter, temp, you get the idea). I will do it next time! BUT:

Live Long and Prosper🖖

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    10.1k Hyperant

    Das fine @Ceya

    +1 6 days ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    @Hyperant I know basic pop culture stuff but I’ve never seen any of the shows or movies

    6 days ago
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    10.1k Hyperant

    USS Enterprise?

    +1 6 days ago
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    2,476 Ceya

    I’ve literally never seen anything Star Trek, but yay I guess?

    +1 6 days ago
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    Happy 58 years of Star Trek

    +1 9 days ago
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    yey (we are so close to 10k points)

    +1 9 days ago


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