Everyone knows that I love this game for the freedom it has and having no limits on creations, but there is a game that will be released soon, it is called space flight simulator 2, they look alike, But the other is more striking, for example, all the capsules have an interior design, the docking ports allow passage between them, as in real life, I don't know if that could mean the fall of Juno New Origins, because at the moment it has been the first game with the best theme, the best driving,I know my designs aren't appreciated, and they release replicas that get more votes, but I'd like the game to keep moving forward. Like they have done so far. Hopefully that won't affect this game.



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    907 Skye93

    @ExplorationMS lol

    +1 3 months ago
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    @Skye93 no such thing

    3 months ago
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    @Skye93 what ksp2

    +1 3 months ago
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    3 months ago
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    907 Skye93

    @ExplorationMS KSP 2 Flashbacks

    [when I can I’ll insert the thousand yard stare here]

    Thousand ΔV Stare

    +1 3 months ago
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    @Skye93 I guess, but even JNO and KSP didn't start with everything, so they may add these things along the way, although I hope they don't go into early access...

    3 months ago
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    907 Skye93

    @ExplorationMS oh, interesting. I have similar experience (playing since mid 2023 until around September this year), and I think they can make a decent 3d space exploration game. I also think that they can add some new features to spice it up a bit. Do I think they’ll steal JNO’s playerbase? Absolutely not. SFS &, so far, what we’ve seen of SFS 2, aren’t that realistic. For instance, you can lithobrake, engines have fixed thrust and Isp, the atmosphere has the same drag all through and then suddenly cuts off when u reach vacuum, etc. It also just doesn’t have some of JNO’s unique features like planes, lift, jets, propellers, submarines, boats, & customisable parts. I do, however, think, that it’ll be a nice supplement for KSP players who want to play on mobile. It’s basically mobile KSP with less stuff.

    3 months ago
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    @Skye93 I have High Expectations, and so far from my 1.5 year experience playing the game, I fully expect them to follow through

    3 months ago
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    @deepfriedfrenchtoast They had RTG's even back in the day though

    3 months ago
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    907 Skye93

    @deepfriedfrenchtoast oh yeah, absolutely. SFS 2 is nothing like JNO, but it will have a good purpose as a mobile KSP

    6 months ago
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    907 Skye93

    SFS 2 won’t have planes, wings, jet engines, part customisation or anything JNO has that really sets it apart from the rest. SFS 2 is, rather literally, SFS but with a few more features and 3D. JNO won’t fall lol

    6 months ago
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    I don’t really think anything will happen to the current jundroo player base. As there is just to many things in Juno and Sp combined that you can do. But maybe for the crowd that wants a more easier game to get into, yes they will probably download SF2 over Juno

    6 months ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    @deepfriedfrenchtoast agreed, i haven't seen anything from SFS2 yet but based on what i've heard it's definitely oriented towards the more casual side of the spaceflight sim demographic (which is a good thing overall), overall i'd say each of the three "franchises" — seeing as both have 2 games each — are each suited towards slightly different niches within spaceflight sims (personally, though, Juno has just the right balance for me, since it allows for realism but i can also just use it to mess around in for pure fun)

    6 months ago
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    @deepfriedfrenchtoast Well so be it, because I've seen the development videos and it looks very different but more attractive.

    6 months ago
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    SFS2 will most likely be a more casual game than Juno. It would probably only have one fuel type for all engines and so far it looks like there'll only be solar panels for power generation. SFS2 doesn't really seem to be a competitor with Juno in the same way that Juno isn't a competitor to KSP, the levels of realism and depth are different between these games.

    +1 6 months ago

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