Ah well, I had an idea for my next project
And it'll be a little goofy

And btw, ATC - 15 Leapfrog has passed 800 unit produced for public use, I'm glad for that
Ye I know that chunky a s s phrog is probably not perfect. Maybe a v2 later.

But now, I'll be werking on FRED
He's definitely good for interstellar exploration

This image is clickable btw
FRED fuselage PNG

"Damn, I can't tell wtf is this dude. What's the company making lmao" - Yuri G.

Test flight 1 report: vehicle accidentally went out to space and on a course to enter Tydos's atmosphere at around 167 km/s


Don't worry, no crew on board, but definitely bankrupt a billionaire


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