The warp drive is based on the principles of the Alcubierre drive. To create a gravitational well, a particle accelerator will collide neutrons to form nuclear pasta, one of the densest substances in the universe. This benefits the drive by making it more compact, as only a small amount of nuclear pasta is needed to create a significant spacetime curve. However, a longstanding challenge for physicists has been the need for a negative spacetime curvature to make the drive functional. I believe I’ve devised a solution: a spherical chamber surrounded by electromagnets that support a fusion reaction, compressing plasma to the point where it transforms into a black hole. The dark energy generated by the black hole is neutralized and used against it, causing the black hole to produce vast amounts of negative energy. When matter interacts with this negative energy, it becomes exotic matter, which bends spacetime upwards relative to the spacetime plane. When both reactors are activated simultaneously, a warp bubble forms, accelerating the craft faster than the speed of light. In theory, this warp drive could reach Saturn in just 7 seconds and Proxima Centauri in 6 months.

Thanks for Reading!


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    @deepfriedfrenchtoast Actually Thanks you just helped me!

    5 months ago
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    I gonna dive into this because why not im bored. Though you dont have to take into account what I say, do whatever you want.

    The first thing of using a neutron beam to make nuclear pasta is quite absurd since nuclear pasta needs the ridiculous pressure found in a neutron star to exist stably, without that pressure the neutrons will rupture outwards into a more normal arrangement. The nuclear pasta also needs the huge pressure in a neutron star for the neutrons to not beta decay. When a neutron is outside an atom nucleus, it will beta decay into a proton, electron, and an antineutrino at a half-life of about 10 minutes. But in dense nuclear pasta, the energy of the particles is so high that beta decay cant happen (its due to some weird and arbitrary seeming principles that I barely understand.) Also compressing matter into a black hole really can only be done with the pressure of a star's center, and thats really only possible with a star or a star-sized object.

    There's actually a way to make a black hole much more practically, theres a theoretical type of black hole called a Kugelblitz black hole. Its a black hole thats made from photons, instead of particles with mass. These types of black holes have already been theorized as a potential spacecraft propulsion method. The idea of using a black hole to create negative energy is just non-scientific technobabble, so I cant comment on the idea further.

    I found this paper on achieving a warp bubble without negative energy. I think this paper takes advantage of the 11-dimensional spacetime predicted by String Theory to achieve a warp bubble with only positive energy, though Im not even gonna start pretending like I understand any part of the paper at all. Im sure with more digging it would be possible to find more papers on this topic.

    +1 5 months ago

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