Not long ago, I released my Tsiolkovsky sounding rocket. It was alright, based on the limited knowledge of sounding rockets. But after reading a 600-page book on Skylark, my favourite sounding rocket (“no” bias - I’m British), I decided to redesign Tsiolkovsky. I made it slimmer, more efficient, easier to manufacture, and renamed it “Skylark X”. Tsiolkovsky was always made in the spitting image of Skylark, but now, it is meant to be its successor - an overhaul, made to take the original Skylark and mould it into the perfect sounding rocket - capable of reaching high altitudes, carrying heavy payloads, being easy to manufacture and being fully reusable, motor casing and all. I also never released the now never-to-be-released Tsiolkovsky Mk II, which was meant to be a successor to Tsiolkovsky, more powerful, more efficient, larger, etc. It would have certain features that could easily be done with 3D printing and using carbon composite such as an ogive nosecone, which, on the original Skylark, would have improved drag by about 4%, but they chose to go with the slightly worse straight cone nose for ease of manufacturing. Not to be forgotten, a bell nozzle for the motor instead of a cone nozzle, this also improves engine efficiency and thrust by a bit, but is much harder to do without 3D printing. Many of these features, along with using carbon composite instead of steel or aluminium (like on the first Skylark X’s to be built), allows for higher performance while still being easy to manufacture. This evolved version will become “Skylark Prime”. Both of these versions will have attachable first stages (based on the Skylark’s Goldfinch booster) that are high-power, low efficiency, and only burn for about 6 seconds before the second stage separates. These versions will be dubbed “Skylark XX” & ”Skylark Prime X”

By the way, if all goes well, you lot could see a Skylark X fly in real life as early as 2028 or 29!


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    907 Skye93

    I know this is a pretty long post, but eh. Any questions? I’ll happily answer them :D

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    907 Skye93

    @Corry1357 have fun!

    3 months ago
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    Can't wait to begin testing tomorrow morning! I just downloaded I'll let u know THX! ☺️🙏

    3 months ago

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