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The Beginning
The beginning of 2020 marks the history of ISX's founding with its ambitious goal of launching its first mission on a commercial airline-like cadence on a rocket in mid-2021, which will take only 14 months. ISX's goals since then have been a rapid launch rate, the answer to why they are making the world's greatest launcher named "Eagle" for its greatness of breaking multiple records and the Hawk engines family which marks the next generation in rocket science. In 2022, ISX announced its 2nd generation Eagle called "Eagle Series II" which also breaks records with its capability and launch cadence, not to mention the reusability that makes it competitive in the launch market. The beginnings of ISX also known as the Golden Era of ISX, due to its extreme successes, were blinded by its one true enemy that made it fall hard. In the year 2023, the year when it struck ISX. The unbalanced nature of its workplace. The blindness. One of its executives chooses to bring ISX from its so-called Golden Age to the Darkest Age—workers unrest, mass quits and most importantly the person that is important to ISX. Everyone calls him Azozy. Decided to leave the empire, which, nearly bankrupted ISX.
The Incident
That one executive who did this was in pain. He couldn't predicted that this would happen. All his hard work falls into the lava pit, and turns into ashes, by a simple mistake. He is done, but a miracle strikes. The light, from the cosmos, travelling billions of billions of times the speed of light impacted the ground in his backyard. The executive checks it. He wasn't able to take a close look at what impacted his backyard due to how bright it was. Suddenly, something came out of it. He can't seem to analyze it. Later, the brightness dims. Slowly and slowly until he's able to see what he's looking at. "Is it a unicorn? a dragon? a hawk?" he thought. No, it is a Duck. Not just the regular duck, but a magical Duck from the cosmos. The magical Duck opened his eyes and started to speak in the most beautiful magical way, "My child, don't give up on everything you have done. Never hate it. Rather you forgive it". The executive replies, "How can I simply forgive the thing that I've made? This incident simply can't be turned back". The magical Duck approaches him and holds his hands, "Of course, it can't be turned back, there is no way you can fix it but you can forgive it and continue towards your life, the dream you've been dreaming since young". The executive opens his eyes in shock at the magical Duck holding his hands. The magical Duck continues, "My child, the past is history, the future is a mystery, but right now you're standing is a gift, that's why it called the present". The executive started to tears, he didn't even realize it and he said, "How can I continue my life from this burden". The magical Duck replies, "By starting with the person who gives your dream the greatest impact".
The Former Glory
And now, the "present" where we're standing, is also known to be the beginning of the Diamond Age. Everyone at ISX is happy. The year 2024 is the year when ISX started launching more than their previous records. ISX announced the 5th generation Eagle family of rockets and other innovative inventions. In the year 2024 when ISX returns to its former glory.
The history of ISX never disappoints, like what the people say, "From Golds to Ashes. Returning to be Diamonds".
I as the writer, would like to say congratulations to the ISX team for their 30th successful launch and welcome back to the aerospace industry. May the infinity, go towards beyond. Happy holidays everyone. Oh, by the way, I make a great story right? Don't blame, I'm just bored and don't know what to say for this great milestone.
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