Teaser9 Comments
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27.1k Zenithspeed
@deepfriedfrenchtoast i've been wanting to play around with the angular velocity thing too, but problem is i have no idea how to do so (plus idk how to make them not fall to the ground if they suddenly were given physics like that)
still, it would be cool for, who knows... dyson spheres??? -
3,413 Kaeya
@deepfriedfrenchtoast Yeah, the child structures take on the angular velocity of their parent structures. So do the children of the child structures, I assume to infinity. if you have enough creativity, you could probably make some cool shit with that.
@Tallisar I've had the idea for a while for enclosed "dungeons" built with the structure editor that you would have to build specific craft to be able to get through, with a prize of some system lore or easter egg at the end.
10.8k deepfriedfrenchtoast
@Tallisar I played around with the angular velocity a while ago and I vaguely remember that giving a parent object angular velocity will also cause the child objects to rotate around the parent, Im not sure if im remembering correctly though.
15.8k Tallisar
Sadly @deepfriedfrenchtoast, it does not apply to translation, meaning I can't make the cubes orbit the structure. It least they can s p i n.
10.8k deepfriedfrenchtoast
One of the few people who has actually used the angular velocity function in planet studio.
yes, this means a new planet with new lore. coming soon this or next week.