I have completed designing Hydrogen's next evolutionary step. Block 2 will be a tad bit more expensive (by a stretch of $3 million per launch). Despite looking more like a waste of money on the first look, Block 2 is taller and will be able to launch 6 tons to RSS Earth Orbit. As for looks, It looks very similar to the Zheque 2 but as I assure you, is not.
For Cost, it is 3 times less expensive than the falcon 9 and 2 times less than Zheque 2. Finally for sceduled posting, Block 2 will be posted sometime this week. I will be making final adjustments to the decals in order to determine what style I want.
At last for staging configuration, Stage 1 will have a single Baker Neo Methane/Oxygen engine and Stage 2 will have a single Adams Vacuum optimized Methane Oxygen engine.
I hope you look foreword to this posting in about a week!
Periodic Aeronautical and Astronautical Technologies Corporation