Ten AG slots is not Enough. Yes we can use multiple commands. Or an old part Pedro made with 20 slots. But please consider the ease of Devs to add this in stock game 20 AG slots on all commands, especially Command Disks. Plus please make it easier for nubs to make custom cockpits by making the auto pilot settings set to same as an actual cockpit, it makes EVERYTHING fly better
Idea11 Comments
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25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
Holds me back and others. I am working on an bug project for my Nature. And this is part of issue there is when doing so
25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
@InherentUnstable as long as its not in red in downloads. But im trying to keep away from xml and tinker mods all together
@starmango I don’t have my phone on me so I can’t check, but I think if you go into the built-in xml editor you can find a way to add more AGs. I’m also gonna upload a revamped version of that command chip Pedro made, turning it into a Command Disk.
25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
Here at my latest project and Torture
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I drag and pull a command disk from saved parts and it creates my upload to be in red . Also an issue, so that messes up useing a command that way for hidden AG