1. Monopropellant should drain from the first stage to last.

suggestion post
Monopropellant drains from the last stage then gradually to the first.
This means that when a staging occurs, fully topped monopropellant tanks will be thrown away.

What should happen is that the lowest (first stages) tanks should be drained first, so that when it stages the empty tank will be thrown away while the remaining tanks on board stay fully fueled.

2. (3 parts) Planned burn improvements.

Since KSP 1.7 Room to Maneuver released, it's time to step up our game!
suggestion post
Currently, when creating a planned burn, we can't adjust when and where the planned burn would occur - it's stuck there. I propose making the entire burn draggable along the orbit line so that we can make the burn occur sooner or later, depending on where did we drag the node.

We should also be allowed to put the planned burn in the next or previous orbit (so they will occur after multiple orbits - useful for interplanetary maneuvers).

suggestion post
We should be allowed to fine tune our nodes via numerical inputs on all three axes. (I know there is a sensitivity option but that feels somewhat clumsy to use)

suggestion post
The game will use porkchop plots and a lot of math to find the best Hohmann transfer to a destination!

3. Better clock

suggestion post

The current clock in SR2 (the one left of time control) has cycles every 23h59m59s, making it very useless for long term missions.

After doing some math and experimentation, I found out that a single day on Droo is 14 hrs flat, and a Droo year lasts 99 Droo days (and 1 hr) (57 Earth days and 19hrs). I also made a conversion spreadsheet

I suggest changing the clock to have 4 modes (click on it to change, with tooltip/other display to indicate which mode):

  1. Droo time from start of sandbox yyyy:dd:hh:mm:ss (14 hrs a day and 99 days a year)

  2. Droo time from start of craft launch (craft launch rather than session start) yyyy:dd:hh:mm:ss (14 hrs a day and 99 days a year)

  3. Earth time from start of sandbox yyyy:ddd:hh:ss (24 hrs a day and 365 days a year)

  4. Earth time from start of craft launch (craft launch rather than session start) yyyy:ddd:hh:ss (24 hrs a day and 365 days a year)



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    @AstronautPlanes yes

    5.9 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    We really need a better clock system... Do I post a suggestion?

    5.9 years ago
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    @Kell On first suggestion you can always fill and drain fuel tanks but that is a little akward. Fill the uppers and drain the lowers...

    5.9 years ago
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    @Kell @Kell Search on you tube ''SimpleRockets2 node dragging'' Don't know how to post the site here......

    5.9 years ago
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    On first suggestion you can always fill and drain fuel tanks but that is a little akward. Fill the uppers and drain the lowers...

    5.9 years ago
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    @Kell Search on you tube ''SimpleRockets2 node dragging'' Don't know how to post the site here......

    5.9 years ago
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    @Jaime731 The node breaks

    5.9 years ago
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    Unlock the node and you can drag it......

    5.9 years ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    You can actually drag manouver nodes the direction relative to the orbit just doesnt stay the same.

    5.9 years ago


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