so I'm trying to make a Gemini inspired spacecraft and following in the footsteps of Gemini and shitty business practices here at BlueStar I want to add ejection seats instead of a abort tower or pusher system, but all my attempts to make a ejection seat have failed, and I've tried everything I can think of but nothing is working



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    nevermind I've created a functioning ejection seat

    Pinned one month ago
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    I have decided to throw it into a pack of my escape systems, with 2 extra ejection seats [ones just going to be bare bones, does the flipping no styling, one is gonna be bare bones, no, well, minimal flipping without style, and one is gonna be minimal flipping and styled]

    one month ago
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    398 Toinkove

    @BlueStarAerospace Well no extreme rush, just curious to eventually see what you came up with!

    one month ago
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    alright nevermind I need to change multiple things, it just decides not to work when I subassembly it and move it another craft

    one month ago
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    @Toinkove I forgot I already have a version that's less flippy for a upcoming project, I just want to make a few small modifications for style and I'll upload it possibly with a few other abort/ejection systems

    one month ago
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    @Toinkove When I have the time I'll upload it, I do need to make a few modifications to it before I release it though [it likes to do backflips]

    one month ago
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    398 Toinkove

    Care to share your solution?
    Unfortunately although this game gave us a very nice military style cockpit (a sorta F-16 style one) they kinda neglected to add in an ejection seat to it! I've seen a few players try and design an ejection seats but they usually end up rather bulky and a bit unaesthetic in appearance, So just curious as to weather or not you improved on their designs.
    Not that I condone ejection seats on rockets, they were always somewhat controversial (particularly on Project Gemini, less so with STS 1-4 and Vostok) but they could be nice for some fighter aircraft designs in game!

    one month ago
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    alright got it to work, I didnt have the COT and COM lined up, but I am struggling to get it to well, eject out of the capsule it just keeps getting stuck [and yes I disabled collisions and stuff]

    one month ago

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