
We here at BlueStar are excited to announce our new launch vehicle. Polaris, it will be capable of launching light payloads up to Medium Droo Orbit [MDO], it has 3 stages, the first stage is a solid motor with fins capable of steering it, the second stage features 2 gimballing liquid fueled engines, and finally the third stage which is housed inside the fairing features 1 gimballing liquid fueled engine to give the payload either its final push into orbit or to put it into the target orbit if already in orbit.

Miscellaneous information

Maximum [planed] orbit height: 95 Million Meters

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    it will be uploaded when I feel like finishing it, so either in a few hours or never

    Pinned one month ago
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    alright I broke my promise, I just used Solid Motors + to have stability in flight

    one month ago
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    now that im less angry at a game for having realistic physics and I promise even if it kills me I will make a ripoff Ares 1 work without using the tweak menu

    one month ago
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    398 Toinkove

    Yeah a solid rocket first stage (not as strap on boosters but used by themselves) are unfortunately very hard to control not having engines that can gimbal (which some in reality can actually do and should be a feature in game). I did manage to solve that problem somewhat by using very large “multidirectional RCS” but…
    I ultimately gave up on an Ares I type concept because the price of solid rocket engines spiked dramatically in one of the more recent updates! Two and a half years ago I could make an orbital launch vehicle using a solid rocket first stage (with engine) for around 1/5 the cost of a liquid fueled equivalent. But after that update the price increased so much that the liquid rocket version actually became slightly less expensive!

    one month ago
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    also I was doing more of a Ares - I approach then a side booster approach

    one month ago
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    @Darthan184 Delta - V wasnt the issue, neither was the TWR

    one month ago
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    To use solid boosters as the first stage (usually side attached) I've found that a delta-V of around 650m/s with a TWR of 1.5 (at the surface) works well. They run out at around 4km altitude so design the second stage engine to work at this altitude, again with a TWR of 1.5.

    one month ago
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    alright it refuses to fucking work and its really fucking pissing me off, so I'm gonna completely redesign it cause clearly there's some fucking flaw with the design

    one month ago
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    alright turns out solid motors as a first stage are a very bad idea, so im gonna find a more liquid solution to that problem

    one month ago

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