I'm not sure what I did, if I downloaded malware, accidentally hit my laptop and damaged something without noticing, or some crap but every like 50 seconds my computer essentially freezes and then after 10 seconds unfreezes, I've tried checking for system updates, removing files, checking for malware, but for some reason it keeps doing this, so I'm gonna stop making crafts until I either fix this or some how get used to it. I'm also going to try leaving my laptop off for like a day or two, not sure what I'm trying to accomplish with that, but for all I know it'll solve the issue.

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    I'm using my phone to make forum posts and post comments, but hopefully soon I'll have a working computer again, I don't have a monitor but my laptop does have a HDMI port so assuming a 30 second google search I did 0 information on isnt accurate I could possibly use my laptop as a monitor for a while, but worse case my laptop just gives up and dies and I'll have to wait until like August or September to post rockets again

    Pinned one month ago
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    I think I may of found a reason, I believe my graphics card may be damaged as some other issues I'm experiencing line up with a damaged graphics card.

    Pinned one month ago
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    @BlueStarAerospace so expect me to be making crafts again by like september

    one month ago
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    alright I completely reinstalled windows, and for like 1 hour and 30 minutes it worked wonderfully, then instead of freezing every 50 seconds, it now lags extremely badly without freezing every 25 seconds and for like 40 seconds. So basically I have decided to just buy a entirely new PC cause some shit has happened to my laptop that is just making it refuse to operate correctly.

    one month ago

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