LunaRock-2 Launch Webcast
This forum post will follow LunaRock-2 as it heads to Luna to complete a sample return mission. Here you can follow the progress of the mission and wait for the live landing stream.
Events in order
Health Checks | 20.1.25 | COMPLETED | The spacecraft remains healthy after launch
TLI | 26.1.25 | COMPLETED | LunaRock-2 successfully completed a TLI burn earlier today. The third stage will perform a capture burn to get into Luna orbit tomorrow.
Luna Capture Burn | 27.1.25 |COMPLETED| LunaRock-2 successfully entered a 50km Luna orbit at a 45° inclination. The third stage was successfully separated. It will move itself into a graveyard orbit.
Health Checks | 30.1.25 |
Landing Site Selection | 3.2.25 |
De-Orbit Burn | 4.2.25 |
Live Landing | 4.2.25 |
Sample Collection | 6.2.25 |
LunaRock-2 Relocation Hop | 8.2.25 |
Sample Collection 2 | 10.2.25
Other Experiments | 12.2.25 |
Ascent Stage Launch | 16.2.25 |
Trajectory Adjustments | 17.2.25 |
Re-Entry | 19.2.25 |
Touchdown | 19.2.25 |
Live Landing Stream