Like bro I’m just trying to make a SSTO Spaceplane that can carry 10-15 Tons to LDO why is it so hard

We honestly should be able to choose individual fuels & oxidizers instead of just selecting pre-selected fuel combos.



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    @InherentUnstable thats unnecessarily adding complexity, and is rarely or actually never usefull

    one month ago
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    It's not that hard to make an SSTO basically it's a single stage rocket which is very easy but a space plane it a bit harder but not much harder. Just make a fighter plane(well maybe more of a Concorde type sort of sleek and pointy but it needs to hold cargo) and just add a cool section beneath the wings (or above) and/or onto the fuselage. on these sections add rocket engines (additional to the plane engines if you have some but usually the rocket engines if used efficiently can bring you all the way to the verge of space we're you just increase the throttle and orbit)

    one month ago
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    @InherentUnstable well the game is somewhat barebones but still – its better then KSP especially in terms of realism

    one month ago
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    398 Toinkove

    @InherentUnstable I’d only call the career games “barebones”.
    I can’t speak for the developers in any way but I get the sense career games were not originally conceived by the team. But because of another game, not to be named, it was a feature repeatedly requested that they eventually committed to adding! And they did, it’s just rather basic in nature!

    +1 one month ago
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    @Toinkove Honestly, I have to agree. While this game is still (honestly) rather barebones, I think it’s safe to say that Jundroo has moved on to new horizons. (Mobile Mod Support would be nice tho)

    one month ago
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    398 Toinkove

    Well I don’t think this game is “in development” anymore. Again I don’t want to say they will NEVER come back to it (and they have thankfully addressed some bugs with career games recently even if a little slow) but otherwise this game seems rather complete.

    one month ago
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    @Toinkove I’m gonna be honest, it really seems like Jundroo is a little in over their head, considering that they only have enough devs to manage development of one game at a time. If they really want their games to succeed long term, they should consider giving each game a dedicated team of developers.

    one month ago
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    398 Toinkove

    @InherentUnstable ok so just adding in more propellant options in general, whether that’s more fuel or oxidizer options and the ability to independently select them.
    Well there are mods out there that add in more propellant combinations. They seem to have decided to leave this task to modders rather then putting them into the main game (though they have incorporated some mods made by players into the base game in updates before).
    But as for having independently selectable fuels and oxidizers: this would likely require some amount of tweaking to the game code to allow for it (similar to the ability to change fuel/oxidizer mixture ratios would which they have previously rejected as a feature). The developers main focus right now seem to be on completing their new game SimplePlanes 2. Though I can’t say for sure they won’t come back to this game at some point and add onto it, it’s likely going to be some time before they do.

    one month ago
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    @Toinkove I’m more so saying to make the fuel and oxidizer different modifiers, like for example how to go from a Kerolox Engine to a Kerosene-Nitric Acid engine, you would only have to change the oxidizer from Oxygen to Nitric Acid.

    one month ago
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    398 Toinkove

    @InherentUnstable ok yeah!
    That feature has been requested a few times in the past and rejected by the developers, likely won’t be added unless they dramatically change course.

    one month ago
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    @Toinkove Mixture Ratios.

    one month ago
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    398 Toinkove

    Lolololol uh what!
    There’s only one oxidizer type in game, and it’s paired with all 3 fuel types that require oxidizer. Or are you more specifically wanting to control the fuel/oxidizer mixture ratios.

    one month ago

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