Does anyone know if JNO models orbits in such a way to make Lagrange points possible? I would like to put a telescope in L2 and wonder if anyone knows if i can get there?
Thanks in advance!
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@Toinkove It should maybe be a setting or something, like the ULTRA skybox setting. while I understant thet this comparison may not be a good one, I think it is about the same in principle.
398 Toinkove
@BlackVoidAerospace yeah it would be neat to have them but I honestly don’t know how much more complicated that would be or how much more computing power it would require (keep in mind most players here seem to be on mobile devices). But since even KSP doesn’t have them I can understand why they didn’t bother to add them!
@Toinkove Thanks for the quick response! A bit disappointed about the lack of Lagrangian orbits, but I will check the mod page, just in case.
398 Toinkove
No it does not model Lagrange points!
I believe Kerbal Space Program has a mod that will add those in, but don’t think this game has a similar mod yet. You can check the mods list to make sure however.
The L1 and L2 Lagrange points are sadly impossible with how the gravity works in game. You can make a kind of false L1/L2 by making an invisible celestial body with a small soi and positioning it far away enough In orbit of another body so that it orbits that body at the same rate that body orbits its parent body. This isn’t very realistic though as the false points are way further out the they would be in reality.