Hello. I am playing Juno: new origins on plane during long flights. It is amazing, how time flies with it.

I mainly perform maneuvers manually, but I have notticed that there is possibility to add burning nodes,on PC. Which improves precision and efficiency.

Is there way to add burning nodes on iPad? When I click on the orbit, “+” button appears, as if I could create node there, but when I click it again it either disappears or moves slightly.

Whatever i do, I cannot invoke burning nodes menu. Is there any way to achieve is on iPad without using external keyboard or mouse?

Any help would be appreciated.



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    242 Dereric

    I'm playing on Android, but I guess the mobile versions should be the same at all.
    Normally you have done it correctly, after tapping on the "+" symbol a window should open.
    I've had the same problem from time to time in the past, with specific orbits.
    Try to Zoom closer to the position where you want to place the burning node, then try it again. Sometimes a really fast double tap works also.

    Does it work when you're at an circular orbit around a planet, let's say 150km x 150km?

    one month ago
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    I wish I could help, but I don't own JNO on mobile (I only have it on PC). Maybe you could ask someone on the discord server?

    one month ago

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