PigeonEye is a mod that adds overlayed PiP mini cameras, still visible even in map view!

It can display the main game camera, nearby crafts' cameras, docking ports, and engines... offering multiple action camera views with adjustable angles, rotation, pan, and zoom capabilities.

Bonus: I’ve added some tweaks in the game settings for multi-display support, so you can expand your view to ultra-wide and really soak in that overview effect.

Screenshot and demo video (I've just joined, not sure how to post media to the forum):

How to install:
Firstly, install the game, and Download the mod:
OR https://1drv.ms/f/s!Aql-lKwWlZ28p6JsYr3ix3marN1Iog?e=YdqEXf

Copy "PigeonEye.sr2-mod" to:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2\Mods
C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2\Mods

- Add game built-in camera part to your ship design. Camera views from that part, as well as from the landing gear, wings, and engines, pilot... will be also automatically added.
- Launch the game and toggle the PiP Overlay Button at the top of the Flight Info menu.
- From PiP's LIVE dropdown list, select a camera or click [+] to open a New camera tab.
- Use the L&R mouse to Rotate / Drag, Alt + Scroll to Move forward/backward, Scroll to zoom.
- Middle mouse to enable Target Lock (lock on GPS or follow target).
- Go to Game Settings to enable multi-display support (experiment).

- Add a video/photo record button for each camera window.
- Fire at a locked target & ATGM missile.
- Split and display the Map view and Game view separately on two monitors.

Known Glitches:
- Render range is limited when in map view.
- Space camera view may not match the main camera (planets sometimes appear in the wrong position).
- "Lock On" only works with native game Camera Parts (not from other views)
- FPS drop in Ultra game settings (reducing max lighting and reflections may help).
- Laser Lock on water may not be precise, and water rendering may appear slightly worse.

It took me quite a few cups of coffee and a lot of trial and error, as I was completely new to programming in C# and Unity. I wasn’t so sure where to start when I first had this idea.
So, if you like this mod, consider buying me a coffee, it’ll help me add more cool features!
Support at: https://ko-fi.com/pigeoneye


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