The title says it all.
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507 swope
@Kell - if I'm not mistaken, Ctrl-rightclick copies the part and all the children parts that are attached. If the primary part is the root of a tree, you can Ctrl-rightclick a branch and it copies the branch and all the twigs and leaves attached to it.
507 swope
You can also drag the parts to the upper left corner icon (only appears when dragging) and to will add the part(s) as a subassembly you can add later.
40.8k KellyNyanbinary
Right click and drag for duplicating single part
Cntrl + right click and drag to duplicating multiple parts
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I'm on Chromebook, so I can use the mobile setup, but also the PC setup Ex: the finger aid tool, so how do I copy on mobile? Also, please check out my creations I'm uploading soon!