Does anyone know about this problem with the gyro? It behaves differently based on the spawn location. For example, it rolls faster and pitches slower on the launch pad as compared to the westward runway. It only works consistently when maxAcceleration=0, but then it is uncontrollable. Do the developers know this? If anyone could help, that would be great.
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398 Toinkove
Upon further investigation: You also have a faulty "Command Disc". When you click on the command unit in the designer, there is a sub-menu titled "pitch control". This is NOT a standard property listed when I pull a generic "Command Disc" from the parts menu.
I replaced the command unit from your build with a NEW one from parts list and the erratic behavior ceased.
The command Disc seems to have been tinkered with, On the "Parts" section (in tinker panel advanced properties) there is extra line labeled "RootPart". There also seems to be an extra page of properties for the disc called "Input Controller" (this is likely why there is an extra sub-menu mentioned above). Whatever has been tinkered with regarding this part, it has obviously broken it's ability to function (hence why the tinker panel warns "use at your own risk") -
398 Toinkove
Ok so …… there’s a few things terribly wrong with that craft.
1. The engine is WAYYY too powerful. Its starting thrust-to-weight ratio (TWR) is 744! I throttle up to just 1-2% throttle and still get a TWR near 5 to 7 (that quickly increases to 10, 16, 20). You only really need a starting TWR around 1.4 to 1.6. I can’t even get the craft to orbit, it accelerates to Mach 8 in 30 seconds, then begins to take heat damage because it’s going to fast through the atmosphere then explodes!
2. You need to enable a gimbaling range on the engine. You need to do this in order to steer the rocket. If you’re attempting to use a gyroscope to steer the rocket during liftoff it’s just not gonna work (this is not what gyroscopes in the game were designed for) -
@VipingViper16, I've also had issues resuming and quick-loading crafts. If it's a problem with the game, then I probably won't be able to help you; in that case, the devs will need to fix it. The definitely need to work on this.
@VipingViper16 @Toinkove I am using it for orientation, but the problem is at some spawn points or resuming flights it rolls too fast and pitches too slowly and becomes uncontrollable. It acts like the maxAcceleration is set to 0 at some spawns when it set to 1. The example spacecraft I am trying to use to help me troubleshoot this is linked below. Launching of the launchpad or the runways, and the gyro has different behaviors for example.
@VectronTechnologies @VectronTechnologies It is attached to a fuel tank part and a rocket engine. The craft I am using as an example is linked in the comments.
398 Toinkove
What are you using the gyroscope for?
They’re designed to orientate a craft that is in orbit, any task beyond that could result in odd behavior (or more likely just very poor performance). -
@Toinkove hey, sorry about the late response. While I appreciate the effort, using a default gyro did not work at some locations. It seems to be when I activate the rocket engine that it starts to mess up. When initially spawning the craft works fine, but as soon as I activate the fuel line it does its undesirable behavior. Even with default engines too.