Click here to open V1.1. Note that the old version is still available under the old link, so you can decide which version you want to use, but if you saved the link to the old version, don't forget to update the link!

What's new?

Image sizes can now be detected automatically. Since the detection uses colors, there may occure problems when compiling images with a white background. If you experience any problems, you can still use V1.0.



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    • 19.02.25 - One problem solved, one problem found: The size is now calculated using opacity, so white backgrounds shouldn‘t be a problem anymore. However, I found a bug where big images aren‘t scanned correctly. I hope that this is only the case on images that couldn‘t be rendered anyways, but in case this happens to you: This bug wasn‘t there in V1.0, so it should work there. Also, please tell me if you experienced this (or another) bug, thanks!
    • 24.02.25 - The bug I found before is fixed, all pictures should be compiled correctly now!
    Pinned 12 days ago
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    I just noticed that you still need to know the image size when loading, so I added "Width" and "Height" to the parameters the compiler gives you.

    Pinned 15 days ago

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