Since there are now parallel community projects going on, I suggested a #communityprojects channel be added to the SR2 discord, to help us coordinate across all the multiple community projects going on at the moment.


However since I am not the creator of the community projects, please continue to use any other discord servers you may already be using.


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    @Mod Did not know that. I have no current plans for getting it, as I am to busy for it.

    5.8 years ago
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    16.0k Mod

    @PlanesofJundroo You should get Discord, it's a very, very useful thing to have, and almost everyone has it.

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    There should be a way to chat via the SR2 website, as I don't have discord and still am the creator of the CMB (Community Moon Base).

    5.8 years ago


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