Since FoxtrotTheSergal isn’t very active I was wondering if anybody knows what getting 100,000 points actually does to your shiny point counter?
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43.8k goz
@GreatBritishAerospaceOff aw, thanks! This is one of the most fun games I’ve played and I just keep coming back to it even after long breaks.
@goz Good luck! I wouldn’t be surprised if you managed it, you have some VERY impressive vizzy on those career crafts.
You should ask the devs. When Foxtrot used to play, the site was much more active, which explains how he got 50k in just two years.
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@goz I play Warthunder, hoping to get DCS, Nuclear Option, Aces of thunder and maybe KSP. And because this game gets consistent updates I don’t think I’m ever gonna stop playing it lmao