I am working on a technical reference to capture my (few) learnings in Juno, coding in Vizzy, orbital mechanics, and rocketry. This is a work in progress, and meant to be a living document.

Technical Reference

Equations of Motion

  1. Position
    1.1. Planet-Centered Inertial Coordinates
    1.2. Topocentric Coordinates
    1.3. Conversion
    1.4. Landscape
  2. Velocity
    2.1. Surface Velocity
    2.2. Orbital Velocity
  3. Acceleration
    3.1. Gravity Acceleration
    3.2. Drag Acceleration
    3.3. Thrust Acceleration
  4. Jerk


  1. Angular Momentum
  2. Orbital Elements
  3. Orbit Prediction
  4. Orbit Intersection
  5. Orbit Maneuvers
    5.1. Delta-V
    5.2. Hofmann Transfer
    5.3. Gravity Assist
    5.4. Transfer Orbit
    5.5. Other Orbit Changes


  1. The Rocket Equation
  2. Thrust Creation
  3. Engine Design


  1. Cost Functions
  2. Cost Optimization

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