I am working on a technical reference to capture my (few) learnings in Juno, coding in Vizzy, orbital mechanics, and rocketry. This is a work in progress, and meant to be a living document.
Technical Reference
Equations of Motion
- Position
1.1. Planet-Centered Inertial Coordinates
1.2. Topocentric Coordinates
1.3. Conversion
1.4. Landscape - Velocity
2.1. Surface Velocity
2.2. Orbital Velocity - Acceleration
3.1. Gravity Acceleration
3.2. Drag Acceleration
3.3. Thrust Acceleration - Jerk
- Angular Momentum
- Orbital Elements
- Orbit Prediction
- Orbit Intersection
- Orbit Maneuvers
5.1. Delta-V
5.2. Hofmann Transfer
5.3. Gravity Assist
5.4. Transfer Orbit
5.5. Other Orbit Changes
- The Rocket Equation
- Thrust Creation
- Engine Design
- Cost Functions
- Cost Optimization