We here at ''NeedToFindANewName-Aerospace'' are proud to announce a return to form after some troubles in the company.

Rocket - 2
(Development name: Blue Bird, yeah so I was gonna call it Blue Bird but I just couldn't stop thinking Blue Bird as in the school bus manufacturer and not the well, bird, and I wouldn't be able to take the rocket seriously if I named it that)

It will feature 2 stages with a optional LKS (Liquid Kick Stage) it utilizes Polaris's second stage with a new liquid fueled first stage, as the short lived Polaris's first stage was.... problematic.
Due to the rockets lack of a ''proper'' name were letting the public name our new rocket

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    this is also me just being lazy and letting the public do my job of giving the craft a good name

    Pinned yesterday
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    why is it as soon as 1 good thing happens to me 6 other things go wrong then the thing that went good goes bad, laptop has performance improvement, friend leaves, laptop becomes worse then before, the only god damned good thing that is happening to me is the availability of coffee

    20 hours ago
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    also update on laptop: I think I found my issue, the left bottom of the keyboard is super hot and I think my laptop just cant sufficiently cool itself, how lucky RIGHT AFTER THE WARRANTY EXPIRES my laptop decided to have issues (well to be fair 80% of products are just designed to die and fall apart as soon as the warranty expires)

    20 hours ago
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    if your wondering why im using any stage from Polaris which in most respects was a failure in my opinion, it's cause for whatever reason I just really love the second stage of Polaris

    20 hours ago

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