The Cylero Survey & Observation Program or CSOP is a explorative project meant to unearth mysteries of Cylero through 1 flyby, 2 orbiters, and 2 landers. All of these landers will have names besides there technical name of CSOP 1-5, those names are:
G.Harrison (Lander)
R.Starr (Orbiter)
P.McCartney (Orbiter)
J.Lennon (Lander)
B.Epstein (Flyby)
(if no one knows who the people I named the probes after are I'm gonna die inside ((this is obviously a joke I don't actually care if someone doesn't know who the beatles and there manager were)) )
The flyby probe B.Epstein may seem useless as well, why do a flyby when you can get way more science out of a orbiter?, well the flyby will allow the use of less fuel, a cheaper cost, and importantly to use a flyby of Cylero to use small thrusters to experiment with how its SOI and other factors work and if they differ from expected.
The 2 orbiters will have an array of scientific equipment including a spectrometer, Radiometer, Magnetometer, and multiple cameras, that's not all though, that's just a small list. Unlike the flyby it will have 2 solar arrays instead of just 1 solar array allowing more energy and a backup incase of damage of the other panel, the only reason we are taking a risk of only having 1 solar panel is due to the flyby probe's short window of being able to be used for its intended purpose, and a few tests planned can be done with the orbiters.
The 2 landers will have 4 deployable solar panels, 5 landing legs, and a huge amount of scientific equipment, they will use a mix of parachutes and engines for landing, it will feature a heat shield without a aero-shell, partially because we feel the probes can survive without one, and because it's not in the budget, we blew the budget needed for 2 aeroshells on a celebratory cake for Jack the janitor.
In total using 5 probes we will uncover new scientific data about Cylero's surface, atmosphere, SOI, and more.
(if there is any spelling mistakes or just sentences that go no where I apologize but I've been up late and I'm tired, so I'm sorry, but also I'm gonna divert the blame onto something else)
every time I try to do something life generates a explosion in my balls and makes me not able to do the said thing, which is a round-a-bout way of saying my laptop has a burning hatred for me, so uh yeah I'm now purely a forum poster, yay what a return to form that I totally love.