Jus watched a YouTube video where ShadowZone is looking at some of the RocketWerkz games in anticipation of Kitten Space Agency. In the video, ShadowZone mentions JNO amongst space sims that are like KSP, but haven't found as much success (he's quite blunt about it - saying 'it doesn't sell as well....').

I love this game and think it's really great. I also like how I can play it on PC and Mobile, I think it's a great selling point for JNO - a 3D space sim that can be played on Mobile! But it just seems it's not talked about much, particularly in KSP circles, yet it's a great game.

My question is what do you think neds to be done to broaden the games reach abs also for it to be better appreciated!

Tried KSP once on a Demo on my potato PC, it wasn't a good experience yet with JNO (still SR2 at that time) would run decently smoothly. It's heart breaking that amongst the KSP YouTubers they somewhat try JNO maybe once or twice and never really revisit it again - initially thought they'd love it and do more videos on it.



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    2,462 lafario

    Planet gravity!

    It would be cool if the made planets have gravitational effects on each other depending on the distance, This includes moons or binary stars, Planets! Etc.

    Planetary collisions.

    Planets colliding with each other, And each time a new planet is created with the combined mass of both worlds, Also and worlds that collide will be added to you list in PlanetStudio.

    They could make Juno New Origins, A mini version of Universe Sandbox 2.

    10 hours ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    Its difficult to say why exactly the game hasnt reached a wider audience, but an aspect that definitely plays a part into it is the fact that the game is quite deep, with a fairly steep learning curve. The procedural parts and powerful editor are great for making anything you could imagine but for the average player I can see how it could easily lead to an overwhelming and frustrating experience. Another aspect that has been mentioned by many ksp players specifically is that the game doesnt have the same "charm". And while in some sense that is a cop out answer for not liking the game because it doesnt look and play the exact way ksp does, there is some truth it. A large part of the game including ui, music, sfx and models do give off a certain cold sterile feeling and I can see that being a little offputing for some people. In short, some of the aspects that make the game great to begin with also have the side effect of limiting mainstream appeal (the way I see it).

    +1 19 hours ago
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    @Zenithspeed Well said, thanks. Hoping the game sees better days. Really hoping more people see how awesome it is, I basically can play it wherever on my phone, save a sandbox then continue on a PC if need be.

    +1 yesterday
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    i've been wondering about this too, i think the main reason as to why it's unpopular is simply cause KSP is such a giant that it just completely overshadows it
    i think making the game more user-friendly (more/better/detailed tutorials, sample crafts, etc.) would help a lot in keeping players, as few reach a skill level high enough to really appreciate this game or even openly praise it like i do (i do some very small, free, completely unofficial advertising for JNO on some game forums i'm on, and i really do think it's that good, it's basically my number 1 favourite video game)
    however the lack of updates right now is probably what's causing it to be kinda "dead" at the moment (it is like that 99% of the time though), for now the devs are working on SimplePlanes 2 so it's understandable
    however, i also think that if JNO gets popular enough to get its own Wikipedia page (needs to fulfil their notability criteria and whatnot) like SimplePlanes did, it'll be smooth(er) sailing from that point on

    +1 3 days ago


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