No idea.



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    10.4k sflanker

    Also useful: T-F-G-H move the light source up-left-down-right respectively.

    5.0 years ago
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    10.4k sflanker

    Alt-F4 to exit does not work on Mac OS. I'm using a Macbook with the touchbar, but I can get the F_ keys to display on the touch bar by holding the fn key, still no joy. The only way I can close PlaneStudio after launching is to exit the program with Command+Q.

    5.1 years ago
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    From the release notes a while back:

    Added a couple dev console commands to help with XML modding planets and solar systems. Use 'CloneSolarSystem id' to make a copy of the current solar system and update your game state to reference it. Use 'PlanetStudio planetName' or 'PlanetStudio planetName quality' to open a scene with the specified planet. WASD & IJKLUO move the camera (shift/control for fast/slow). Keypad +/- to adjust speed. Space to lock to the surface. SolarSystem.xml changes should automatically be recognized and cause the planet to regenerate itself. Alt-F4 to exit.

    +3 5.9 years ago

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