Sorry for taking so much time to make this but I have more stuff in my life than what I was expecting. I can't prepare the form for the vote but here you can check a curated list of suggestions (full list)
Air A vehicle meant to be used in air
Airship A aircraft that uses lighter-than-air gas as a means of lifting itself off the ground
Automated A craft that executes actions without the direct interaction of the player
Civilian A build for civilian purposes
Crewed A craft capable of having animals inside without killing them (always)
Continents All continents with space agencies
Decades Just like in SP, 1950s-2020s
First stage First stage of any rocket
Futuristic A craft that uses technologies or aesthetics that may be a thing in the future
Interplanetary Goes to other planets
GA Aircraft Basically all other non-airliner, non-military aircraft, GA represents all small and medium private and commercial transport and recreational aircraft, including propeller-driven, jet, and rotorcraft
Land A vehicle meant to be used in land
Lander A craft designed to land on any solid body
Military A vehicle meant to be used in warfare
Modded For Modded and XML Modded crafts
Module for those community projects which requires multiple modules to assemble
Nano satalite For small satalites
OC If you made everything then this is Original Content
Random You dont know what tag to select? I guess this is the one
Realistic A craft that has a behaviour reasonable to the real live
Reusable A rocket where one or more stages can be safely returned to droo
Rocket A vehicle that can go far fast even in vacuum
Space station Station in space
SSTO Any vehicle capable of reaching orbit and returning to land in one piece
Uncrewed Only electronics can fit this craft
Water A vehicle meant to be used in water
@pedro16797 GA Aircraft: Basically all other non-airliner, non-military aircraft, GA represents all small and medium private and commercial transport and recreational aircraft, including propeller-driven, jet, and rotorcraft.