If you would like to know how to properly do a rendezvous in SR2 check here: Rendez-Vous??? SimpleRockets 2 episode #2

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    @Kell i agree although they are not high enough level to post on videos.

    5.7 years ago
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    1) Script your videos / be less wordy
    2) You are supposed to teach rendezvous not how to get to orbit. You spent ~8 minutes of the 21 minutes teaching the wrong thing.
    3) Edit your videos. Edit out the useless parts and coughing into the mic.
    4) Explain generalized principals rather than making specific cases
    5) Your rendezvous is inefficient time wise
    6) You did the rendezvous in the night time where the audience can’t see anything.
    7) Your launch vehicle needs longer nozzles. Tune your exhaust pressure to 0.7mPA
    8) Remove the huge like, subscribe, and bell bar. If your videos are good people will like them.
    9) There is a video section on the website

    +6 5.8 years ago


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