I just pushed out a new beta that hopefully fixes some of the frustrating bugs from the latest update, most notably the staging bugs. The auto-staging algorithm still needs to be improved, but now it shouldn't wipe out your changes anymore.

Here are the changes in

  • Fixed a bug where the designer would wipe out player's changes to to the craft's stages in some circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where wheels would sometimes sink into the ground on reload.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause old sandboxes to never save the state of any planet added after the sandbox was created. In this particular sandbox, Cylero and Urados were affected.
  • Fixed a bug where fuel tanks could not transfer fuel after un-docking and re-docking.
  • Fixed a bug where the exhaust expansion would not be correctly calculated for very small nozzles.


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    45.5k MarioG

    @AndrewGarrison it seems either this beta or one of the previous one affected the plume of some of my engines. my RL-10A was under expanded now its over :(

    5.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @MarioG yup, generalization makes it hard to adapt the plumes. I wonder if it would be possible to easily change the gradient of the plume particles and not only the color with mod tools

    5.7 years ago
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    45.5k MarioG

    @pedro16797 also the fact that the plume colors are more than orange white and blue and have real color immediately bumps it up for me. But each plume is designed for each engine unlike SR2

    5.7 years ago
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    45.5k MarioG

    @pedro16797 some engines in RO have clear shock diamonds

    5.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @MarioG in SL plume particles are spheres that can be easily noticed and it doesn't have shock diamonds, the advantaje in SL is that the color gradients are more realistic

    5.7 years ago
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    45.5k MarioG

    @pedro16797 real plume has the best plume by far in Vac and SL not to take anything away from SR2 since it isnt a fair comparison real plume has been around for alot more time. But SR2 is alot better than stock ksp

    5.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @DarkPK daaaamn that is the best perspective I've seen of a plume in vacuum

    5.7 years ago
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    218 DarkPK

    @pedro16797 I found a capture that demonstrate the underexpantion of the 2nd stage of a Falcon 9 here. The devs should also check out this video to visualize the plume cause by underexpantion.

    5.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    Cool, now I can't find any problem with the exhaust :D
    In the subjective department: I've been watching some KSP+RealPlume videos and I can say SR2 exhaust is crushing them in almost all cases. The only case where I think RealPlumes looks better is vacuum.
    I think that a particles based plume in vacuum making the sharp exhaust effect fully transparent may give a more realistic look (not sure about the performance hit)
    I would also make the max underexpansion have a bigger diameter but this is purely based on looks and I don't know if it should be like that in real live.

    5.7 years ago
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    11.7k KraZIvan

    Wow, still killing those bugs in the wee hours of the morning, Jundroo Devs are machines

    5.7 years ago


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