It would be great if SimpleRockets 2 had a simulation of antennas and radio communications. An example is the update of KSP 1.2. I would love to do satellites for maping or remote control, etc.
It would also be nice to have option to scale below 50% without using Tinker panel because it does not modify the other parameters automatically like the weight or the aerodynamics of the object.
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345 JVGG
Considering that Jundroo plans to make planets builder would not be bad that also have in a future update this feature.
thank you all for comment : ) -
507 swope
@PurpleSeba888 - looks like KSP 1.2 Loud & Clear introduced the comms networks as a stock feature in Oct 2016:
The mods before that were RemoteTech and AntennaRange (maybe others).
507 swope
@PurpleSeba888 - let modders do it first. Eventually take the best parts and make it stock. I'm fairly sure KSP had comms mods before comms were a stock thing (approximately 2014?)
507 swope
Jundroo is a small team. I'd rather they open a mod API and let enthusiasts tackle the simulation of various domains that are auxiliary to the rocketry itself.
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Add some surface scanning cameras too :)