Official report declasified on 23/6/2019

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Recording now

hello this is //////////////////// it's day nº//.
Last week was a normal one... nothing unusual happened and i think the crew is begining to feel better after anderson's death
sadly i didn't get to know him that much thanks to all this stuff about the /////////////////////// but they say it was a really nice guy
personally the only problem i have right now is that the coffee machine is not working and i don't know what to do with it (send another one please!)
ok i'll do a recap of last week events

Thursday 22

9 AM

After the decision of the council to militarize our L.A.B. they sent us a cargo plane loaded with a
Lechita Hummingbird V2, another Arctic humvee for us and some supplies for L.A.B.nº//
one of the crew members doubted that they could fly up to L.A.B. nº// and they had to land in /////////// while they were there they decided to load some fuel so they could ensure the trip to the other L.A.B. and improved the packaging of Hummingbird v2
ok now i will add some pics of the loading

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Friday 23


after the landing at ////////////// they took off at 12:39 PM the flight was described as "boring but with good views" by Pilot //////////////
the new packaging was...okay? i guess

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loading images


After welcoming the crew of the plane with some hot tea, chocolate, milk for the pilot (for some reason that's obligatory) and cookies our crew decided to unload the cargo plane
not gonna lie... the improved packagin was more complex than it seemed so it took us more time than we expected

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loading images

sunday 25

No specific hour

turns out the L.I.C. could't trace the path of the plane that dropped the bomb on us so they asked the council to approve the launch of the HOL-ARG with a Lec-SAT 2 on a polar orbit to look for a "base" in the path the plane took

-* End voice to text

-voice to text ended

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    2,073 Teague

    Cool, thanks. It looks great! @nico412

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    26.8k Nicole412

    @Teague i used struts and made them square

    5.6 years ago
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    2,073 Teague

    May I ask, what parts you used to make the cow?

    5.6 years ago
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    This is so cool! I hadn't seen people posting stories! Ahhhhh. I already spend so much time on this game xD but this makes me want to spend even more.

    +2 5.7 years ago


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