I do not know, I was thinking about doing a mod but I do not know what, could you give me suggestions about what I should do?
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26.8k Nicole412
aircraft machineguns!!!
if u do i can help you with the different effects of barrel lenght bulled diameter or function (rotating chamber basically an auto revolver) (rotating chamber+barrels basically a gatling) -
11.7k KraZIvan
@RealDavidB I was going to suggest something similar. A simple autopilot that keeps a craft locked to a heading after swithching to another. That alone would make docking a lot easier.
45 RealDavidB
It'd be cool to have an automatic suicide burn mod. Would be good for people who make videos and stuff :P
11.7k KraZIvan
Depends on how deep you want to go into it, as in would you want to make a big mod with new parts or features or more of a "quality of life improvement" kinda mod?
97.2k FoxtrotTheSergal
P.D: AstronautPlanes is taking care of helping in the mod of the warhead
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Not sure if this is possible, but I would love to see a mod that implements Thrust Curves into Solid Rocket Motors!
A simple implementation would involve a universal curve for all motors which would have high thrust at the beginning of the burn before tapering off gradually to zero thrust.
A more advanced way to implement it would involve a selection of different core geometries with a unique thrust curve attributed to all of them. The user could select the core geometry that would best fit the intended use.