I downloaded the Real Solar System app and now my game doesn't work. I start the game and the usual opening page comes up with the sun but the "earth" is just a blank gray ball. When I hit ESC the menu won't come up. What do I do to make this work? Do I have to uninstall RS2 and then reinstall it to get rid of RSS? If I haven't posted this question in the right place I'm, sorry. This is frustrating.
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514 OldCoach
@MarioG I downloaded something that wasn't a zip file. I think I'm downloading the proper file now. How big is this zip file?
45.6k MarioG
This happens when it is Installed incorrectly, make sure that you have the two RSS folders with planet textures (one with no solarsystem.xml, and the other with one) in the gamedata>solarSystems and Userdata>solarSystems respectively
514 OldCoach
@Bmcclory Where is the right place? I installed where the instructions said to-
C:\users\my user name\appdata\locallow\jundroo\simplerockets2. Was it supposed to go in a specific folder? -
514 OldCoach
I uninstalled and reinstalled SR2 and things are back to normal. I'm leaving RSS alone.
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@OldCoach idk youll have to download it