So the mobile beta is out and the release date is coming swiftly, and im guessing that the people that arent in the simpleplanes community arent used to limiting themselves with the parts. So heres 3 simple steps to help you make lag - free builds for mobile users!

step 1: part count

Keep the part count low! Try to limit yourself to around 280 parts for low end devices, and around 400 for higher end devices. (There are exeptions to this, as seen in the next step.)

step 2: physics objects/moving parts
If you want to have higher part counts with less lag, use as little amount of anything with an imput or wing physics. ie, statues

Step 3: common settings

Think ahead and test your builds in low physics, physics is a massive lag causer, and mobile users will usually stay on this setting. And yes, there is a difference between the physics settings.

And there you have it! The three simple steps to keep things mobile friendly.


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    226 V

    This is outdated

    Pinned 4.5 years ago
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    538 Wogchamp

    Laughs in 1fps w/ 886 parts 😶

    5.4 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @MarioG the game isn't recommended for 1GB ram devices. In my case I've tried the titanic and it's kind of playable at 7fps (it has almost 4k parts iirc)

    5.4 years ago
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    45.5k MarioG

    @robloxweponco have you tested any 1000 part crafts?

    5.4 years ago
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    226 V

    @MarioG im talking about low end devices, my phone only has 1gb of ram

    5.4 years ago
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    45.5k MarioG

    well mobile can seem to handle much more than 280, its pretty optimized around 1000 is were stuff gets a bit iffty but i have downloaded and used 2000 part crafts

    +2 5.4 years ago


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