Please create a tutorial video that describes how to create spacecraft like the Soyuz. I was looking at the engine parts where they cluster 4 engines on the side boosters. I can't seem to get the symmetrical look that the person that created that craft was able to achieve.
Another annoyance is when looking at that craft. I wasn't able to "tear apart" the pieces that made that part of the side boosters.
Experimenting on the Fuel Adapter, I would attach an engine to a fuel tank, only to find I wasn't able to break them apart later.
I need help on this part of the game. Thanks!
OK, I figured out why object were sticking together and not being able to be pulled apart. If the command module or chip is not connected to the objects you are working with, you will not be able to pull them apart.
I still don't know how to arrange the engine modules to the bottom of a fuel tank. The "Symmetry" system only works if the items are attached to the sides of the fuel tanks. So trying to arrange 4 or 5 engines to the bottom of a fuel tank is extremely difficult.