I know I know the procedural rocket engines are great, but they can be better with modular engine systems. The theory behind the modular engines is that basicly all propulsion systems contains: 1.oxidizer source, 2.fuel source, 3.pump/compressor, 4.turbine, 5.combustion chamber,6. injector, 7.nozzle and 8.pipline/valve. All engines have some of them and they are arranged in different ways. with those 8 modules, players can build more engines than those possible in procedural rocket engines. it makes variable cycle engines, turboshaft engines, ramjet engines all possible and can be more realistic.
To achive this we only need to add one more part catagory: one that can change fuel types from one to another. we also need to add some information of the fuel, I believe that only takes a few new classes in coding: Temperature, pressure and other phisical properties(mixture components, molecular weight, etc.). Lastly we need to add a kinetic energy system just like the existing electricity system.
1/2.oxidizer source/fuel source: it can be a fuel tank or an inlet. It stores a mount of fuel or intakes from air.
3.The compressor/pump increases the temperature and pressure(energy) of a fuel type in exchange of a certain amount of kinetic energy(inlet(outlet) velocity=Q/Areaof the inlet(outlet))
4.turbine: it generate kinetic energy and decreases the temperature and pressure(energy)(inlet(outlet) velocity=Q/Areaof the inlet(outlet))
5.combustion chamber: A part that transfers a fuel type to another fuel type: exhaust gas which contains tree mixtures: combustion product, excessed fuel and excessed oxidizer, the physical properties(ratio of specific heat and others) can be calculated from weighted average
6. injector mix two fuel types together to create a mixture fuel type
7.nozzle: expand or compress gas with formula:(k-1)RT/k+v^2/2=C
8.pipline/valve: transfer fuel
All parts have one or more input and one or more out put. if a output point is not connected, it will generate thrust: F=Qm



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    507 swope

    "simple" rockets

    +7 5.4 years ago
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    I completely agree with this idea @QContinuum. Definitely would be nice to be able to customize these specific parts especially the turbopumps and the pipe diameter/ psi would definitely help make engines more efficient.

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    Yess! I had the same idea for Jet engines (parts also procedural):
    Axial/centrifugal low/high pressure compressor stage
    Combustion chamber
    Post combustion
    duct (basically a resizable tube)
    also applicable to piston engines

    +2 5.4 years ago
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    8 yopo

    I really want to see this suggestion implemented, it's not small feat, but it could theoretically be done at some point! Perhaps it could be a toggled option in the gameplay settings menu or designer menu: "advanced procedural engines", off by default so new players don't get overwhelmed. :)

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    I'm not saying replace the procedural engines. Maybe add them as new parts or making a engine workshop space that can let people build their own engines and import to main sandbox space. It can be more enjoyable and more educational/hardcore. but keeping the existing procedural engines for more casual playing would definitely be neccessary

    +6 5.4 years ago


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