It would be great to see some type of rope or cables in the game that you can reel in/out, it would be nice to create winches or cranes for different vehicles



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    Yes yes yes

    5.4 years ago
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    3,143 speediplayz

    @yopo i posted it over at the suggestions area

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    8 yopo

    Yes, please post this in the Suggestions forum section, I'd also love to see this added to the game with some sort of rope/cable physics and the ability to customize what the rope/cable is made from, e.g... fiber-rope, carbon-fiber, kevlar, steel chain-link, threaded steel cable, titanium-threaded cable, etc... so you can have different strength cables with different rigidity, elasticity, and tensile strength values you can customize to be able to carry/drag light or super-heavy objects without the cable breaking. :)

    5.4 years ago
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    3,143 speediplayz

    @Mod i went into forums > more > suggestions then pressed new post, i didnt make suggestions in a while sorry about that
    Edit: Image

    5.4 years ago
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    16.0k Mod

    I recommend moving this over to the suggestions area, or just creating a new suggestion and linking it in this post.

    +2 5.4 years ago


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